[parisc-linux] [2.5] next issues ...

jsoe0708@tiscali.be jsoe0708@tiscali.be
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 14:34:56 +0100

Hey Carlos,

>> > My impression from what Joel has said is that the problem is bad coding
>> > rather than an actual gcc problem.  However, up to now, nobody has been
>> > able to provide a precise analysis of what's going on.
>> or even duplicate the problem.. i've been building 2.4 and 2.5 kernels
>> with 3.2 for some time.... haven't seen the problems that have been
>> reported.
>32 or 64-bit kernels? All debian tools? Mix of debian and upstream?

For my part I only tested 32bits 2.4.19 with gcc-3.2 (and previously 3.1).
The same problem occured as well with a cross compiled (hppa->hppa) as native
compiled gcc (following toolchain-howto method).
Unfortunaltely the best I could back trace was that the last kernel function
call was (trivial) dump_stack

>My only run-in with the problem was with 32-bit kernels cross compiled
>from x86. Though lately I'm using a gcc-3.1 based XC and it builds functional
>64-bit kernels.
>This is definately becoming one of those HPPA urban legends. I shall add
>it to my TODO list and verify that I can build a 32/64-bit kernel
>natively and cross with all the latest upstream cvs bits.

(I did this test _some month ago_ but did not bring me the sol. But that
was some month ago.)

I do also test loopback device ( but (shame on me) I forgot the
result :((
The goal of this test was to try to point out the location of the problem:
ethernet driver or IP?

Any other idea are well come,


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