[parisc-linux] Branching "stable" 2.3.99pre8 kernel

Grant Grundler grundler@cup.hp.com
Fri, 01 Sep 2000 13:00:29 -0700

David Huggins-Daines wrote:
> Therefore, until it gets fixed, I am using a hacked-up combination of
> the pre-merge 2.3.99pre8 and updated signal and trap handling code.  I
> would like to tag this as a branch in CVS so that I can continue to
> fix kernel bugs that affect me without having to fully update to 2.4.0.
> Will people mind terribly if I do this?  It should be trivial to merge
> changes from the branch as needed.


I don't mind...I just don't want the fixes you make there get lost.
Please either post the fixes to the list or sign-up a maintainer (like
myself) to merge fixes into the 2.4.0-test6 based branch ("mainline").
I'd be happy to merge the few parts I understand/have clue about for you.
