[parisc-linux] 715/80 problem

Phillip D. Beal pdbeal@louisville.edu
Sun, 14 Jan 2001 13:02:20 -0500

On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 01:04:03AM -0500, Alex deVries wrote:
> "Phillip D. Beal" wrote:
> > 
> > I've tried all three, and the boot
> > sequence from the netowrk fails.  
> I suspect there's a problem with your network boot server (ie. rbootd)
> *not* the image you're booting.  Does the log output of rbootd indicated
> a successful  transfer of the bootfile?  You can do this by running
> 'rbootd -d', which should spew debug info to the console.

Well, the odd thing is that the network setup works fine for a 735 and
755, but not the 715.  But wait, you said a 715 uses bootp not rboot,
and I know the 735 and 755 use the rbootd and can boot from my network

Phillip Beal                           ___           _               _   
Electrical and Computer Engineering   | _ ) ___ __ _| |___  _ _  ___| |_ 
pdbeal@louisville.edu                 | _ \/ -_) _` | |_ /_| ' \/ -_)  _|
http://www.bealz.net/                 |___/\___\__,_|_/__(_)_||_\___|\__|