[parisc-linux] A new release of file system working for many boxes!

Thomas Marteau marteaut@esiee.fr
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 20:00:48 +0200

Hi PA/Linux guys,

	We have just released a root file system with the latest development. It should
answer to many of your requests. But, nothing is perfect. So, the feedback is
always the first thing we pay attention to!

	A add-on is available now for everyone. It is a small script for Intel box! You
give it all the parameters like the device which will become your PA/Linux HDD
and the most accurate kernel you make and an archive of file system. And ten
minutes after, your HDD is bootable! You just have to plug in your HP box and it
starts Linux UP! This have been tested upon 715, 712 and A500 like for the fs. 

So, good luck! Thomas