[parisc-linux] 64-bit progress

Paul Bame bame@noam.fc.hp.com
Wed, 22 Nov 2000 16:03:12 -0700

32-bit syscalls on 64-bit kernel are to the point where a few things
work, and signals appear to be working (I didn't implement *all* the
signal-related syscalls yet).  I'll be continuing to produce syscall
wrappers for a while...

If you try to boot the standard NFS root with wide kernel, you'll want to
	mv sbin/init sbin/init-real
then compile and install this program as sbin/init:
	int main()
	    char *argv[2];

	    argv[0] = "/sbin/init-real";
	    argv[1] = 0;
	    execv(argv[0], argv);

I never felt comfortable I found the point where sys_execve figures out it
needs to pack the argv vector differently for narrow user apps (locally I
also am using PER_LINUX32 in binfmt_elf32.c) which causes the initial
exec(/sbin/init) to be passed incomprehensible arguments.  This program
is a little temporary workaround.

	-Paul Bame