[parisc-linux] Trying to get HP-UX working
Matt Taggart
Wed, 09 Jun 1999 16:52:29 -0600
Alan Cox writes...
>I can't however get HP/UX to set up an interface
> netmask
Are you getting errors or do you just need to know where to make changes?
If it's the former, post the errors and maybe someone can help. If its the
latter, you probably want to edit /etc/rc.config.d/netconf
>which I really need to do. Also before I go and build all the sane tools
>so the box is usable has anyone already built a big tar file of HP/UX
>of gcc/bash/fileutils etc ?
I think it would be nice for all the developers to be sync'ed up and using
the latest tools. Right?
Does it make sense to go one step further and package them in either HP's
SD depot format or alternatively RPM(and provide RPM on HP-UX)? I have some
SD experience and could automate the packaging if needed.
Another, somewhat larger, option would be to produce a custom HP-UX image
for the people working on the port. We can slap that image on bootable CDs
for distribution. Rebuilding a system from one of these CD's only takes
about 20 minutes. The image could be rebuilt fairly easily if it needed to
be updated. I can also help with this if needed.
What does everyone think?
Matt Taggart Technical Consulting Lab
taggart@fc.hp.com Workstation Systems Division
Ft Collins, CO Hewlett Packard