[kernel] Friend...are you home and ready to talk...?

Dennis Deskin ballistic@ayrix.net
02 Dec 2002 10:49:52 -0600

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Hello Friend,<p>
It has been a while since you enquired about the Ballistic Vacations Home Based Business and Training Opportunity.<p>
<a href="http://ct.par32.com/?id=2F40BAGB5E95">http://www.ballistic-vacations.com</a><p>
<font color="#FF0000">Are you still serious about developing a very substantial home-based income stream?</font><p>
If you are indeed serious, you can now get all your questions answered, and see if you qualify for our team. No pressure or sales gimmicks!<p>
Friend, I have have spent the last 10 years looking at all sorts of programs and income opportunities, and can unequivocally say that Ballistic is the absolute best opportunity that I have ever looked at!<p>
If you are ready to start making the kind of money that you've only dreamed of, then call me, and I will get you started right away.<p>
<font color="#FF0000">1-877-515-1434</font><p>
I will also provide you with the best qualified lead sources to help you jump-start your business.<p>
I will work with you and your prospects, one-on-one to help in closing as many sales as you need me to.<p>
<font color="#FF0000">This opportunity is absolutely unreal, and the income potential is staggering!</font><p>
Work it on a part-time basis, and make full-time income.Work it on a full-time basis, and change the quality of your life forever!<p>
<font color="#FF0000">Friend, call me now at 1-877-515-1434.
I am waiting for the words, "I"M IN" </font><p>
Please remember, if you do what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always gotten!<p>
If you are truly ready for a change, do it now!<P>
Dennis Deskin<br>
TEL: 601-664-2440<br>
Toll Free: 1-877-515-1434<br>
<a href="mailto:">mailto:ballistic@ayrix.net</a><br>
<a href="http://ct.par32.com/?id=2F40BAGB5E95">http://www.ballistic-vacations.com</a><p>

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<body bgcolor=3D"#FDFFD2">

Hello Friend,<P>
It has been a while since you enquired about the
Ballistic Vacations Home Based Business and Training
<a href=3D"http://ct.par32.com/?id=3D2F40BAGB5E95"><a href=3D"http://ct.par32.com/?id=3D2F40BAGB5E96" target=3D"_blank">http://www.ballistic-vacations.com</a></a><p>
<font color=3D"#FF0000">Are you still serious about developing a very
substantial home-based income stream?</font><p>
If you are indeed serious, you can now get all
your questions answered, and see if you qualify
for our team. No pressure or sales gimmicks!<p>
Friend, I have have spent the last 10 years
looking at all sorts of programs and income opportunities,
and can unequivocally say that Ballistic is the
absolute best opportunity that I have ever looked
If you are ready to start making the kind of money
that you've only dreamed of, then call me, and I will
get you started right away.<p>
<font color=3D"#FF0000">1-877-515-1434</font><p>
I will also provide you with the 
best qualified lead sources to help you jump-start your business.<P>
I will work with you and your prospects, one-on-one to
helping in closing as many sales you need me to.<p>
<font color=3D"#FF0000">This opportunity is absolutely unreal, and the income
potential is staggering!</font><p>
Work it on a part-time basis, and make full-time income.
Work it on a full-time basis, and change the quality of
your life forever!<p>
<font color=3D"#FF0000">Friend, call me now at 1-877-515-1434.
I am waiting for the words, "I"M IN"
Please remember, if you do what you've always done,
you're going to get what you've always gotten!<p>
If you are truly ready for a change, do it now!<p>
Dennis Deskin<p>
TEL: 601-664-2440<p>
Toll Free: 1-877-515-1434<p>
<a href=3D"mailto:"><a href=3D"mailto:ballistic@ayrix.net">ballistic@ayrix.net</a></a><p>
<a href=3D"http://ct.par32.com/?id=3D2F40BAGB5E95"><a href=3D"http://ct.par32.com/?id=3D2F40BAGB5E96" target=3D"_blank">http://www.ballistic-vacations.com</a></a><p<pre>
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