[parisc-linux] [PATCH] Harmony driver - Reject AFMT_S16_LE (Little Endian)

Stuart Brady sdbrady at ntlworld.com
Sun Feb 22 03:30:16 MST 2004

I said:

> One question: are there any audio devices for hppa that need drivers,
> that have documentation? I see that audio on the J5k/C3k is unsupported,
> but there are apparently no docs for it. Audio on the 705 and 710 doesn't
> seem supported either. Again, no docs AFAICS.

I do apologise - I've now noticed that there _is_ a AD1889 driver,
although I don't know whether it works on hppa.

looks quite useful - I'll have to see if I can get docs on the PSB2160.

It's interesting that the 720/730/750 has 3 channel beeper sound. Could
someone tell me the name of the chip, please?

http://members.chello.nl/h.otten/vortexion.htm has a list of popular
sound chips for microcomputers in the 80s. It'd be great if it turned
out to be an AY-3-8910, YM2149 or SN76489, as there's a lot of music
that's been written for those chips.
Stuart Brady

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