[parisc-linux] PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN From Offensive Language On Your TV With ProtecTV................... sl sptprxhgsisy i g

Les Burkett Les Burkett" <tret93yqh@yahoo.com
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 07:25:05 +0500

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<p>Protect Your Children With ProtecTV.<br>
ProtecTV gives you the power to remove the cursing and offensive <br>
language coming into your home through television and video.<br>
ProtecTV filters out more than 400 offensive words. <br>
ProtecTV's accuracy is virtually 100%. <br>
ProtecTV works with your TV, VCR, Satellite, Cable Box and DVD player. <br=
ProtecTV is easy to connect. <br>
Get ProtectTV Today - <a href=3D"http://www.coolbrands.net/protectv/">Just=
 Follow This Link</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
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