[parisc-linux] Boot-up challenges on a 715/75
Jan-Benedict Glaw
Wed, 19 Nov 2003 08:31:55 +0100
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On Tue, 2003-11-18 22:59:36 -0700, Grant Grundler <grundler@parisc-linux.or=
wrote in message <20031119055936.GA17873@colo.lackof.org>:
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 08:38:00PM -0400, Steve Bromwich wrote:
> I'm only aware of HP using 2k sectors for CD-RO.
> I've never heard of 512 byte sectors in a CD Drive.
Most machines !=3D i386 actually want to have 512-Byte/Sector-capable CD
drives. These need to be equipped with appropriate firmware. It's just
because that does fit very well to 512 byte blocks from other storage
devices (like HDDs:).
> Is that a feature unique to CD-RW?
No, it's a (rare) feature ot CD-RO drives, mostly used by MIPS and SUN
> > Alternatively, you might have better luck doing a netboot, which I've u=
> > with success before on a 715/75.
> that's a good idea too. "lifimage" files are also available that one
Right. To anybody who's facing non-i386 machines (or even newer i386
machines with net-bootable network cards), I can only suggest to prepare
yourself with a bootserver that does everything you need for you. I've
configured some old box to do that (that is, you need dhcp/bootp, rarp,
tftp, rbootd, NFS and most probably some additional kernel configuration
like "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc" and maybe a more
limited ip_local_port_range due to SGI firmware bugs...).
Netbooting saves lots of time and even eases the task of backing-up your
test boxes if they use nfsroot:)
MfG, JBG (->going away now to play with his vax...)
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481
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