[parisc-linux] Re: Out of memory problem

Markus Schaber markus.schaber@student.uni-ulm.de
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 00:29:17 +0100


Thibaut VARENE <varenet@esiee.fr> schrieb:

> >> The Net install ISOs are what you want. See
> >> 	http://www.parisc-linux.org/software/install.html
> > But as this are ISO files, I need to attach a CD drive, and I don't 
> > have an external SCSI drive lying around. I also doubt I'll find any
> > IDE port inside my Apollo. That's why I looked for a net-boot image.
> there are lifimages as well.
> you can also get them here:
> http://pateam.esiee.fr/cd-images/lifimages/
> fwiw, reading the PA-RISC/Linux Boot HOWTO would have told you about 
> them.

I read it, and the _readme_first.txt there, but they don't mention that
those lifimages are prepared for NFS Root opposite to the one I used.
And the NetInst procedure for Debian/i386 uses a RAM-Disk, too, so I
thought those were using a initrd just as the one I got from
ftp://ftp.parisc-linux.org/kernels/. And so I just put it out of my
scope when searching for non-ramdisk images.

But I see that the I have to cross-read everything twice here, my fault.

Thanks for the hint.
