[parisc-linux] KGDB Port first patch release
Thibaut VARČNE
Fri, 20 Jun 2003 13:43:05 +0200
Hi fellow pa-ckers!
As some of you may know, Laurent Canet and myself were working on
porting KGDB to the parisc architecture.
Well, the good news is that we did it!
The bad new is that it doesn't work for every possible configuration ;)
As you can see on the webpage http://pateam.esiee.fr/kgdb.html we
currently only support 32bit capable GSC boxes featuring Lasi/Dino
serial port (which is quite a lot of machines already ;)
TBH, we have currently only tested it on B132 using various kernel
It's worth mentioning SMP isn't supported atm (some locks to be fixed)
as well as step-by-step execution (we are working on it too). It's
sorta a "beta" version of the patch, but it works pretty well as far as
we could check.
We lack material to test our stuff, so any feedback would be greatly
Next steps planned are:
- fix SMP
- fix step-by-step
- make it work on SuperIO boxes
- port to 2.5
The patch also adds a "Compile kernel with frame pointer option" and
takes care of removing lifimage (created by "make palo") on "make
Maybe we want one or both changes to be committed upstream, any thought
Thibaut VARENE
Laurent Canet
The PA/Linux ESIEE Team