[parisc-linux] [ron@rongage.org: [Patchbomb] - Copy_to/from_user audit - oss4 - RESEND]
Stian Søiland
Sun, 31 Aug 2003 20:23:34 +0200
On 2003-08-31 17:39:57, Matthew Wilcox wrote:
What's the deal with this [subject] [fubar] [thingie]? :=) I'm getting
confused and I need to resize my terminal to like 300x24 to read this..
Stian Søiland Work toward win-win situation. Win-lose
Trondheim, Norway is where you win and the other lose.
http://www.soiland.no/ Lose-lose and lose-win are left as an
exercise to the reader. [Limoncelli/Hogan]