[parisc-linux] Modem communication, HP 730

Jon Sharp jonsharp@fastmail.ca
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:44:33 -0400 (EDT)

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Dear All,

I hope that I am sending this to an appropriate list.  To be honest I 
am running out of ideas.

I recently received a HP 730 which I am attempting to restore.  I am 
trying to install an external modem (V90 Velo Net ME220).  However, 
it is acting strangley.  It works fine (using minicom) at connection 
speeds of up to 19200, after that the modem fails to respond to AT 
commands altogether.

I have read through both the serial and modem how-tos in detail and 
tried what I could think of.  Including using a large range of 
different settings for setserial and stty.  Does anyone have any idea 
what I might be doing wrong?  One interesting point to note, I have 
no monitor or HIL keyboard and have been using the first serial port 
(A) for a console.

Any advice would be greatly received,

Jon Sharp

'The art of good lecturing is to transfer the information from my 
notes to your notes without it passing through eithers brain.'
Cambridge University Lecturer
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