[parisc-linux] Re: PALO-text

Thibaut VARENE varenet@esiee.fr
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 12:51:43 +0200

On Tue, 3 Sep 2002 10:43:18 +0200
"Jorge GOMEZ CABELLO" <jorge.gomez@sanmina-sci.com> wrote:

> Dear Puffin,
>     We are trying to install Debian 3.0 on our HP B2000/785 and it is impossible to recognize the usb keyboard. is there a special commando to introduced in the command line of the palo 1.0 ?

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Hi Jorge,

If I remember correctly, the USB support is not enabled by default in the install kernel for Debian 3.0, and B2000 does use a USB keyboard.
We had such a problem here, and there is a solution: boot and install the box using the following lifimage:
This one has support for USB in both 32/64bit kernels, and what's more, STI console is supported in 64bit kernel. This will allow you to install the box directly with a 64bit kernel.

We may build a more recent lifimage with such USB/STI support soon.

Maybe we can also consider adding at least USB support to the default kernel configuration ? Richard, any comment ? :)


Thibaut VARENE
The PA/Linux ESIEE Team