[parisc-linux] Pb with shared lib/or keymap after apt-get upgrade

Thibaut VARENE varenet@esiee.fr
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 16:12:31 +0200

Bruno Vidal wrote:
 > 	Hi
 > I've found there the problem is: bash is using the libreadline.so.4
 > -> when I've upgraded the system this morning, this lib has been
 > upgraded, but the timestamp for this lib is:
 > Aug  2 02:03 libreadline.so.4.3
 > but for bash it is:
 > Nov 17  2001 /bin/bash
 > -> bash is older than a lib that it use -> that's not correct.
 > If I downgrade libreadline to libreadline.so.4.2
 > it correct the problem. So I think it would be a good
 > idea to re-link bash with the latest lib.

I guess you are running debian unstable, which i wouldn't recommend for
a production machine.

Debian unstable is currently _really_ unstable.

We use testing on some of our prod machines (including the webserver),
it seems far more reliable.

Anyway, as usual, userland problems should be reported to debian mailing

HTH, Greetings,

Thibaut VARENE
PA/Linux ESIEE Team