[parisc-linux] ksoftirqd eats 100% cpu :-(

Tilo Riemer t.riemer@visoel.de
Tue, 08 Oct 2002 10:03:13 +0200

Hello list,

>>>I use Debian 3.0 on an HP9000/710. Almost all works fine, but the
>>>ksoftirqd eats all cpu time. I read that it's a bug in the kernel. Is
>>>there a patch for fixing this problem?

> It's a bug/feature related to the HIL drivers. 
> Since we have to poll the HIL ports the whole time
> the bunch of running timers increase the ksoftirqd load a lot.

Btw, if the mouse and keyboard are attached, the ksoftirqd needs about 
50-60%, without mouse and keyboard, it needs 100%.

Best regards, Tilo