[parisc-linux] 2.4.18-pa29 problem

Thibaut VARENE varenet@esiee.fr
Wed, 29 May 2002 10:18:29 +0200

Le mercredi 29 mai 2002, =E0 03:32 , Jeremy Drake a =E9crit :

> I don't know if this is related to my other problems or not, but when
> booting an SMP 2.4.18-pa29 kernel from CVS, the box stops after=20
> displaying
> "Freeing Unused Kernel Memory".  The box is still semi-responsive, in=20=

> that
> stuff sent to the serial  console is echoed back, and the power button
> makes it say "shutting down" but nothing happens beyond that.
This is quite weird, because we have such a problem here:

With kernels 2.4.18-pa23 and above, it happens that some times the box=20=

won't reboot after a normal shutdown, or even a crash.
It stops at the same point ("Freeing Unused Kernel Memory"), and we also=20=

have the "shutdown requested" echo when pushing the button, but nothing=20=


A complete shutdown and reboot won't change a thing.

What is very weird, is that the same boxes boot fine with the original=20=

2.4.9-32 and fsck doesn't show anything bad.
We also had the case of a box that won't reboot with 2.4.18-pa23, but=20
when we tried the day after, it booted fine !
We also discovered that adding a init=3D/bin/sh param to the linux =
did the trick and let the machine boot.

We suspect an INIT problem.

Hope this might help.

Thibaut VARENE
PA/Linux ESIEE Team