[parisc-linux] The new HOWTO

Thomas Marteau marteaut@esiee.fr
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 02:08:30 +0200

Hi again,

	I would like to remind everybody that we have the PA-RISC/Linux Boot
HOWTO and I try to keep it up-to-date. I just released a new version
that includes some little changes and the redaction of "obtaining
bootp/tftpd". I would like to have some feedback and specially if you
authorize me to move to the stable state in order to get into the Linux
DocumentationProject as an official HOWTO!

	I would like to know if this would have helped the new guys recently
arrived. If not, tell me what you expected to find in it!

The URL is http://mkhppa1.esiee.fr/doc.html

Thanks for your feedback, Thomas.