[parisc-linux] What's a "Trace/breakpoint trap" and why does he crash my system?

thunder7@xs4all.nl thunder7@xs4all.nl
Sat, 1 Sep 2001 15:50:06 +0200

Well, I can boot 2.4.9-pa13 just fine on my C200, but trying to compile
a kernel under that version never works, typing

make proper

in the source directory doesn't produce any output but

Trace/breakpoint error

after one second or so.

I realize this is a worthless bug-report, but where does that message
come from? The text is nowhere in the kernel-sources, so it must be
something else.

1. When it seems that you've killed the monster, never check to see if
it's really dead.
GNU/Linux 2.4.9-ac5 SMP/ReiserFS 2x1402 bogomips load av: 0.14 0.12 0.04