[parisc-linux] [patch] /proc interface for LED/LCD

Randolph Chung randolph@tausq.org
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 00:10:15 -0700

> > In my other post I mentioned you also need a fix to firmware.c .. did
> > you pick that up too?
> Yes, I did. Unfortunately I mentioned inventory.c, but originally meant 
> firmware.c in my previous mail.

Hrm, ok, both Grant and I also reproduced this failure with a 32-bit
kernel on a c3k. with 64-bit it's fine... looks like something odd
happening with the PDC_CHASSIS_INFO call :-(

I can't find any documentation for this hversion-specific pdc call to
fetch the led/lcd info. Can anyone point me to some docs? I can try to
debug it some more.

   @..@                                         http://www.TauSq.org/
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 ^^ ~~ ^^