[parisc-linux] segfaults with new binutils

Alan Modra alan@linuxcare.com.au
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 11:22:01 +1100 (EST)

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, Alan Modra wrote:

> ld crashes for me too.  Yikes!  I'll look into it.

It's a compiler bug. :-(

I'm getting a crash at 0x40045a08.  ldd binutils/ld/.libs/ld-new shows me
that libbfd loads at 4001e000, so that's an offset of 27a08.
Dissasembling gives me this code in hppa_add_stub:

   279d4:       0d 82 10 35     ldb,ma  1(sr0,r12),r21
   279d8:       0d 82 10 34     ldb,ma  1(sr0,r12),r20
   279dc:       0d 75 12 22     stb,ma  r21,1(sr0,r11)
   279e0:       af 9d 5f dd     addib,>= -2,ret0,279d4 <hppa_add_stub+0x32c>
   279e4:       0d 74 12 22     stb,ma  r20,1(sr0,r11)
   279e8:       0d 80 10 15     ldb  0(sr0,r12),r21
   279ec:       0d 75 12 00     stb  r21,0(sr0,r11)
   279f0:       63 da 3e e9     stb r26,-8c(sp)
   279f4:       63 c0 3e eb     stb r0,-8b(sp)
   279f8:       63 d6 3e e1     stb r22,-90(sp)
   279fc:       63 d7 3e e3     stb r23,-8f(sp)
   27a00:       63 d8 3e e5     stb r24,-8e(sp)
   27a04:       63 d9 3e e7     stb r25,-8d(sp)
   27a08:       4a b5 08 f0     ldw 478(r21),r21

Note the use of r21 as a temp to shuffle bytes around, then it's use as an
index reg.  What's missing is a ldil to set up the high part of the
