[parisc-linux] Puffin, we have a problem, here!

ESIEE Puffin Group puffin@esiee.fr
Thu, 01 Mar 2001 15:34:39 +0100

Hi all,

	We write this mail to tell you that we MUST give back our A500 to the
European Department for HP resources for exhibition.

	In fact, this server was only for the Linux Expo Paris but we told them
that it was critical for th development of PA/Linux [specially for SMP
:^) ]. So they gave us one month more as it is said in the mail we
received today. Here is the French version:

je viens d'avoir l'accord de l'europe tu peux garder le serie A500
un mois de plus date de retour obligatoire le 5 mars !


I just get the agreement from European staff. You can keep the A500 one
month more. Return date: 5 march!

	As you can see, we have a problem, here! If someone could help us in
our fight in order to keep this box, please do it...

Losing our baby :(