[parisc-linux] HP9000 800/G30 and G50 Support?

Pete plaven@ozemail.com.au
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 18:03:40 +1100

> > I still haven't been able to acertain if this archcetecture is supprted 
> > with the linux port...  Anyone willing to offer a yes or no?
> it's in the faq.

Yep you're right... 

I even remember reading it.. I wasn't making a correlation to the server model 
and what was written, don't ask why, it's not that unclear in the faq.

-- snip --
The earliest PA-RISC servers have proprietary HP devices attached to 
proprietary HP bus architectures. It is unlikely that documentation on these 
busses and devices will ever become available, since so few people are 
interested in spending any effort finding and releasing the docs. Machines in 
this category are the E, F, G, H, I class (aka Nova) and T500 series 
(Emerald) machines as well as some earlier, unlettered servers. 

-- snip --

Having said that the G30 and G50 obviously fall into the list of lettered 
machines not supported.

