[parisc-linux] Kernel Swapping yet?

Phillip D. Beal pdbeal@louisville.edu
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 10:49:12 -0500


I've been playing around with the 715 I got to boot, and I've found an
odd occurance.  If I open an existing file with vi, and hit escape the
kernel crashes.  It doesn't matter if the file is locally or on a remote
system it does it either way.  So, I remeber the instructions from the
PA-Linux 0.1 CD saying the kernel isn't useing the swap space yet.  Is
this still true? I know the problem is not vi because the kernel dies
even if I use vi on the remote system.  The PARISC system dies when I go
to hit ESC to exit insert mode of vi.

Phillip Beal                           ___           _               _   
Electrical and Computer Engineering   | _ ) ___ __ _| |___  _ _  ___| |_ 
pdbeal@louisville.edu                 | _ \/ -_) _` | |_ /_| ' \/ -_)  _|
http://www.bealz.net/                 |___/\___\__,_|_/__(_)_||_\___|\__|