[parisc-linux] NFS Root / System
Phillip D. Beal
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 13:53:21 -0500
Is there a new version of the NFS root system? The latest I've found
was by stealing the filesystem from the palo-0.5 cd image, and before
that was from 20000915, I think.... Also, does anyone know where I can
find apt-get for binary-hppa? Or the source to attempt to compile it?
Phillip Beal ___ _ _
Electrical and Computer Engineering | _ ) ___ __ _| |___ _ _ ___| |_
pdbeal@louisville.edu | _ \/ -_) _` | |_ /_| ' \/ -_) _|
http://www.bealz.net/ |___/\___\__,_|_/__(_)_||_\___|\__|