FW: [parisc-linux] How do I use the FW scsi on 735?

Richard Hirst rhirst@linuxcare.com
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 09:12:04 +0100

On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 10:21:17AM +1000, Matthew van de Werken wrote:
> Hi Richard:
> I added the patch (I assume I added it correctly - the resulting vmlinux was
> different), and ran the new kernel, with no change. The FW scsi is still not
> recognised.

Shame :(  The Zalon driver is the one you are interested in.  My B180
with a Bluefish (Zalon based) FWD card runs the sim700, zalon, and
sym53c8xx drivers all at the same time, no problem.

It's possible I got the parameters wrong in my patch; the aim is to
cause drivers/scsi/zalon7xx.c:zalon_scsi_callback() to get called
for your interface.  It could be that is getting called but failing
for some reason.  If it is called, you should at least be getting
a line

        ......: Zalon vers field is ......

output on boot.

If you don't see that, perhaps you can investigate by adding a few
printk()'s to see what I got wrong.

zalon7xx_detect() is surely getting called, and that uses register_driver()
in arch/parisc/kernel/drivers.c to try and match your cards parameters
against one of the entries in zalon_scsi_drivers[].  Try and figure out
why that match is not succeeding for your scsi interface.
