[parisc-linux] booting problems

Jeffrey A Law law@cygnus.com
Sat, 12 Jun 1999 12:53:18 -0600

  In message <E10sse6-0004NC-00@the-village.bc.nu>you write:
  > Writing a linker, especialyl for something complex like SOM is not trivial
  > in the slightest.
One hell of an understatement.  Time is better spent _rewriting_ the ELF tools
to work in a reasoanble manner.

I'm not talking about tweaking the ELF tools, I'm talking about starting from
scratch.  The elf32-hppa code was the first elf backend that tried to deal
with linker generated code.

We've learned a lot since that code was written -- both about the generic
issues behind linker generated code and PA specific issues.  Enough to 
realize that what we tried to do in elf32-hppa.c was horribly bad and
needs to be scrapped and replaced.
