[parisc-linux-cvs] linux varenet

Thibaut Varene parisc-linux@lists.parisc-linux.org
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 05:26:08 -0700 (MST)

CVSROOT:	/var/cvs
Module name:	linux
Changes by:	varenet	03/03/22 05:26:08

Modified files:
	arch/parisc    : defconfig 
	arch/parisc/debian-configs: 32 32-smp 32-udeb 64 64-smp 64-udeb 

Log message:
# CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_QLA2100 is not set

pa-ckers, please, when you add a new driver to the kernel, don't forget
to add the corresponding config entries to defconfig and debian-configs.
Otherwise it breaks dpkg-buildpackage in kernel-image, and ask more than
necessary questions for users who use the good old 'make oldconfig' trick
to get a working kernel.
Not mentionning the fact that I may not be aware of the default policy to
apply for this or that driver (Y,N,M?). Thx