[parisc-linux-cvs] linux-2.5 varenet

Richard Hirst rhirst@linuxcare.com
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 08:18:00 +0100

On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 10:46:11AM -0600, Thibaut Varene wrote:
> CVSROOT:	/var/cvs
> Module name:	linux-2.5
> Changes by:	varenet	02/10/23 10:46:11
> Modified files:
> 	include/asm-parisc: param.h 
> Log message:
> Switched to HZ == 1000 for CONFIG_PA20.
> Patch submitted by Laurent Canet.

Don't know if this was simply a #define change, but if so...
Robert Love has been arguing lately that you can't just do that as
various userspace stuff is compiled with a knowledge of the kernel HZ
value for your specific arch and uses that in interpreting various
entries in /proc.  He had a patch that kept the userspace view
consistent.  That was 2.4 though; maybe 2.5 is better in this respect.
