[parisc-linux-cvs] linux-2.5 tausq

Randolph Chung parisc-linux@lists.parisc-linux.org
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 11:24:57 -0600 (MDT)

CVSROOT:	/var/cvs
Module name:	linux-2.5
Changes by:	tausq	02/10/16 11:24:57

Modified files:
	include/asm-parisc: spinlock.h 

Log message:
Fixes gcc-3.2 compile problem

jda says:
The initializer list of the compound literal must be constant.  Thus,
nesting of compound literals isn't possible.  So, when you have two
casts in the initializer you get the error.  For more info, look at