[parisc-linux-cvs] web varenet

Thibaut Varene parisc-linux@lists.parisc-linux.org
Thu, 4 Jul 2002 14:30:47 -0600 (MDT)

CVSROOT:	/var/cvs
Module name:	web
Changes by:	varenet	02/07/04 14:30:46

Modified files:
	src/contribute : index.x 
	src/faq        : index.x 
	src/includes   : header-nav.html 
	src/release-0.9: index.x release_090.x 
	src/software   : install.x 
	src/toolchain  : PA-Linux-XC-HOWTO-03.x PA-Linux-XC-HOWTO-04.x 
	src/weekly     : index.x 

Log message:
Cleaned up a corrupted XC-HOWTO (all '../' instances were replaced by the script used to change the tag style).
Updated links to ESIEE.
Added a "Hall of Fame" section.