[parisc-linux-cvs] linux deller

Helge Deller parisc-linux@lists.parisc-linux.org
Sun, 6 Jan 2002 10:35:10 -0700 (MST)

CVSROOT:	/var/cvs
Module name:	linux
Changes by:	deller	02/01/06 10:35:10

Modified files:
	arch/parisc/kernel: traps.c 
	.              : Makefile 

Log message:
- 2.4.17-pa4
- Changes in traps.c to get the real crash-dump of the c3k-STI-PCI problem,
- added lots of comments to traps.c

AFAIT the main problem with the old crash handler was that it crashed with a trap 15
inside the crash handler (during dumping a HPMC) while trying to print a stack-dump.
This only happens if a PDC call (or as it happened for me in the copied
STI ROM) crashed and where the stack-pointer was invalid from the sight of
the linux kernel.
So the main change in this patch is to dump_stack(__va(stack_start), __va(sp), 0)
instead of dump_stack(stack_start, sp, 0) in case the Stack pointer and cr30
don't correspond. Maybe someone of you with better knowledge about the trap
handler wants to comment ?