[parisc-linux-cvs] debootstrap bame

Paul Bame bame@puffin.external.hp.com
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 09:20:29 -0600

CVSROOT:	/home/cvs/parisc
Module name:	debootstrap
Changes by:	bame	01/06/26 09:20:29

Log message:
    Import v0_1_13 on Tue Jun 26 09:21:55 MDT 2001
    Vendor Tag:	debian
    Release Tags:	v0_1_13
    U debootstrap/slink
    C debootstrap/woody
    U debootstrap/pkgdetails.c
    C debootstrap/Makefile
    U debootstrap/sid.is-broken
    U debootstrap/potato
    C debootstrap/functions
    C debootstrap/debootstrap
    U debootstrap/debootstrap.8
    C debootstrap/debian/changelog
    U debootstrap/debian/dirs
    U debootstrap/debian/README.Debian
    U debootstrap/debian/copyright
    U debootstrap/debian/control
    U debootstrap/debian/rules
    5 conflicts created by this import.
    Use the following command to help the merge:
    cvs checkout -jdebian:yesterday -jdebian debootstrap