web jvinet

jvinet@puffin.external.hp.com jvinet@puffin.external.hp.com
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 10:51:28 -0700

CVSROOT:	/home/cvs/parisc
Module name:	web
Changes by:	jvinet	01/01/22 10:51:28

Modified files:
	src            : index.x 
	src/faq        : index.x 
	src/hardware   : index.x 
	src/status     : index.x 
	src/weekly     : 1999.x 2000.x index.x 
Added files:
	src/weekly     : 19991119.x 19991125.x 19991201.x 19991231.x 
	                 20000107.x 20000114.x 20000204.x 20000211.x 
	                 20000218.x 20000225.x 20000303.x 20000310.x 
	                 20000317.x 20000331.x 20000407.x 20000414.x 
	                 20000421.x 20000428.x 20000505.x 20000512.x 

Log message:
Synching Website and Web
Renamed Weekly file formats to YYYYMMDD