linux dhd
David Huggins-Daines
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 12:15:30 -0600
CVSROOT: /home/cvs/parisc
Module name: linux
Changes by: dhd 00/10/11 12:15:30
Modified files:
drivers/video : Makefile fbcon-artist.c fbmem.c
Added files:
drivers/video : artistfb.c
Removed files:
drivers/video : fbcon-artist.h
Log message:
Add prumpf's monochrome framebuffer driver and update it for 2.4.
Remove the improperly-named fbcon-artist.c which was actually just (an
old version of :P) skeletonfb.c
Make sticon.c more verbose, I don't see the harm in it.