web taggart

Matt Taggart taggart@puffin.external.hp.com
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 10:54:13 -0700

CVSROOT:	/home/cvs/parisc
Module name:	web
Changes by:	taggart	00/12/18 10:54:13

Modified files:
	src/faq        : index.x 
	src/history    : index.x 
	src/kernel     : index.x 
	src/software   : index.x 
	src/status     : 1999.x 2000.x 
	tools          : process.pl 
Added files:
	src/images     : pa-hp.gif 
	src/includes   : footer-nav.html 
	src/software   : install.x 
Removed files:
	src/includes   : footer.html 
	src/software   : install.epl 

Log message:

- Fixed ALS link
- Added missing pa-hp.gif to images dir
- fixed broken Documentation link
- fixed link to Martin's mail
- commented out broken link for som linker
- fixed lxr link
- Removed link to thepuffingroup.com

status/2000.x 1999.x
- fix "weekly reports" and "contributors" links

- fixed #2 link
- completed URL in #4 (nit picking)
- explicit index.html in #9

- fixed "Cross-compilers" link

- fixed "installing PA-RISC Linux" link
- convert install.epl to install.x

- fix output if include file can't be found
- move footer.html to footer-nav.html where it's expected