palo bame
Paul Bame
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 13:54:40 -0700
CVSROOT: /home/cvs/parisc
Module name: palo
Changes by: bame 00/12/13 13:54:40
Modified files:
. : Makefile README README.html
ipl : ipl.c
lib : common.h
palo : Makefile error.c palo.c
Added files:
. : palo.conf
palo : usage.txt
Log message:
Added long versions of palo options (optional, change #define in palo.c
if you don't have GNU getopt) and changed semantics of -s, -I, and -C
and added -U. See 'palo --help' for info.
/etc/palo.conf (default location) holds default palo args, more useful
for self-hosters who can then just run 'palo', which should be rare
Added 'make install'. If building on a self-hosted system, do
'make DESTDIR=/ install'
otherwise DESTDIR defaults to ./root since that's a safer default than /
Fixed an unitialized variable which was causing mysterious failures
after interactive kernel commandline editing.