linux willy
Matthew Wilcox
Sat, 2 Dec 2000 05:57:07 -0700
CVSROOT: /home/cvs/parisc
Module name: linux
Changes by: willy 00/12/02 05:57:07
Added files:
drivers/acpi : Makefile cpu.c driver.c driver.h ec.c os.c
sys.c table.c
drivers/acpi/common: Makefile cmalloc.c cmclib.c cmcopy.c
cmdebug.c cmdelete.c cmeval.c cmglobal.c
cminit.c cmobject.c cmutils.c cmxface.c
drivers/acpi/dispatcher: Makefile dsfield.c dsmethod.c
dsmthdat.c dsobject.c dsopcode.c
dsutils.c dswexec.c dswload.c
dswscope.c dswstate.c
drivers/acpi/events: Makefile evevent.c evmisc.c evregion.c
evrgnini.c evsci.c evxface.c evxfevnt.c
drivers/acpi/hardware: Makefile hwacpi.c hwcpu32.c hwgpe.c
hwregs.c hwxface.c
drivers/acpi/include: accommon.h acconfig.h acdebug.h acdispat.h
acenv.h acevents.h acexcep.h acglobal.h
achware.h acinterp.h aclocal.h acmacros.h
acnamesp.h acobject.h acoutput.h
acparser.h acpi.h acpiosxf.h acpixf.h
acresrc.h actables.h actbl.h actbl32.h
actbl64.h actypes.h amlcode.h
drivers/acpi/interpreter: Makefile amconfig.c amcreate.c
amdump.c amdyadic.c amfield.c
amfldio.c ammisc.c ammonad.c amnames.c
amprep.c amregion.c amresnte.c
amresolv.c amresop.c amstore.c
amstoren.c amstorob.c amsystem.c
amutils.c amxface.c
drivers/acpi/namespace: Makefile nsaccess.c nsalloc.c nsdump.c
nseval.c nsload.c nsnames.c nsobject.c
nssearch.c nsutils.c nswalk.c nsxfname.c
drivers/acpi/parser: Makefile psargs.c psfind.c psopcode.c
psparse.c psscope.c pstree.c psutils.c
pswalk.c psxface.c
drivers/acpi/resources: Makefile rsaddr.c rscalc.c rscreate.c
rsdump.c rsio.c rsirq.c rslist.c
rsmemory.c rsmisc.c rsutils.c rsxface.c
drivers/acpi/tables: Makefile tbget.c tbinstal.c tbtable.c
tbutils.c tbxface.c
Log message:
put the files back in with the right cvs versions, hopefully.