linux willy

Matthew Wilcox
Sat, 2 Dec 2000 05:45:28 -0700

CVSROOT:	/home/cvs/parisc
Module name:	linux
Changes by:	willy	00/12/02 05:45:28

Modified files:
	scripts        : Menuconfig docproc.c gen-all-syms 
	                 kernel-doc mkdep.c tkgen.c tkparse.c 
	scripts/cramfs : mkcramfs.c 
	scripts/lxdialog: Makefile 

Log message:
Replace our ancient scripts/ directory with the one from Linus'
2.4.0-test10.  I don't think we made any changes, and if we find something
breaks, we can dig any changes we had out of the cvs history.