website willy
Matthew Wilcox
Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:48:42 -0600
CVSROOT: /home/cvs/parisc
Module name: website
Changes by: willy 00/08/14 19:48:42
Modified files:
. : Makefile
Added files:
images : prbanner-left.gif prbanner-middle.gif
prbanner-right.gif prcheat.gif
prfooter-left.gif prfooter-middle.gif
prfooter-right.gif prhp.gif prleft-b.gif
prleft-t.gif prlinuxcare.gif prlogo2.jpg
prols.jpg prright-b.gif prright-t.gif
Log message:
add images to cvs. add lines to Makefile to copy the images to the
`generated' directory.