linux-2.3 cvs

CVSD (Puffin Group)
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 13:40:28 -0600

CVSROOT:	/home/cvs/parisc
Module name:	linux-2.3
Changes by:	cvs	00/04/13 13:40:28

Added files:
	drivers/gsc    : asp.c wax.c 

Log message:
The new drivers for WAX and ASP-Support :-)

ASP-driver is untested, but should work.
WAX-driver is tested here with my Keyboard on HIL.
Second RS232 on newer 715-machines (on WAX) are recognized and supported now too !
HIL-keyboard-driver for newer 715-machines seems to work (Interrupts go through).
HIL-keyboard-driver for older 715-machines should work (untested).