[kernel] bug#43: You Get Paid Over and Over

<ballistic@ayrix.net>, 43@bugs.parisc-linux.org <ballistic@ayrix.net>, 43@bugs.parisc-linux.org

X-PA-RISC Linux-PR-Message: report 43
X-PA-RISC Linux-PR-Package: kernel
X-Loop: daniel_frazier@hp.com
Received: via spool by 43-bugs@bugs.parisc-linux.org id=B43.104210320130426
          (code B ref 43); Thu, 09 Jan 2003 09:18:01 GMT
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To: <43@bugs.parisc-linux.org>
From: "Dennis Deskin" <ballistic@ayrix.net>
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Date: 09 Jan 2003 03:05:28 -0600
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If you stopped working today, would you get paid tomorrow and next week and next month?

I'd like to introduce you to the concept of of both UP FRONT AND RESIDUAL INCOME. You simply introduce someone TODAY to a company that offers high quality consumable necessity products delivered to their door at wholesale prices--that's it! No ordering, delivering, billing, or inventory. Just tell them about our website and teach them how to place their first order. If they prefer, they can use our toll-free phone order system.

We are a member of the BBB and recently been inducted in the historic society of Who's Who.

I'm telling you all of this not to convince you to join our team, but to give you the opportunity to hear a business overview for yourself and find out why we have so many successful business people working with our company. The decision is yours; there is no risk whatsoever.

I would be happy to introduce you to our company. Upon completion of your interview at http://www.homebusinessgo.com/Ballistic, I will be dedicated to your success. I only reach my goals by helping you reach yours.

Dennis Deskin
CEO Ballistic Agencies 
P.O. Box 2033
Brandon, MS 39043

P.S. If you prefer a private showing via an on-line movie presentation just copy this website address and paste into your browser: http://www.ballisticagencies.com/

Click below to stop receiving these emails.


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If you stopped working today, would you get paid tomorrow and next week and next month?
I'd like to introduce you to the concept of of both UP FRONT AND RESIDUAL INCOME. You simply introduce someone TODAY to a company that offers high quality consumable necessity products delivered to their door at wholesale prices--that's it! No ordering, delivering, billing, or inventory. Just tell them about our website and teach them how to place their first order. If they prefer, they can use our toll-free phone order system.
We are a member of the BBB and recently been inducted in the historic society of Who's Who.
I'm telling you all of this not to convince you to join our team, but to give you the opportunity to hear a business overview for yourself and find out why we have so many successful business people working with our company. The decision is yours; there is no risk whatsoever.
I would be happy to introduce you to our company. Upon completion of your interview at http://www.homebusinessgo.com/Ballistic, I will be dedicated to your success. I only reach my goals by helping you reach yours.
Dennis Deskin
CEO  Ballistic Agencies 
P.O. Box 2033
Brandon, MS 39043
P.S. If you prefer a private showing via an on-line movie presentation just copy this website address and paste into your browser: http://www.ballisticagencies.com<pre>
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