[kernel] Friend, Your Ship Has Come In !!!

Dennis Deskin ballistic@ayrix.net
28 Nov 2002 02:03:52 -0600

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Hi Friend,<p>
Remember the three legs of the business tripod that are needed for success?<p>
<font color="#FF0000">1. Solid Company<p>
2. Solid Product<p>
3. System to spit out BUYING CUSTOMERS to you.</font><P>
Well, I can`t even tell you how many sales I made in the last week! Don't miss out anymore!<p>
<font color="#FF0000">YOUR SHIP HAS COME IN!!!</font><p>
Please call me directly at:<p>
I'll give you the exact same system I am using. It was designed, and is continually being updated by professional direct sales marketers making thousands of dollars per month. Believe me, it works!<p>
I will also 3-way you in to talk to others who are making  $3,000-$5,000 with only a part time effort. (FACT!!!)<p>
<font color="#FF0000">Please call me now, don't put it off. Say those two simple words, "I"M IN"!</font><p>
Dennis Deskin<p>
TEL: 601-664-2440<p>
Toll Free: 1-877-515-1434<p>
<a href="mailto:">mailto:ballistic@ayrix.net</a><p>
<a href="http://ct.par32.com/?id=1C11EAG73307">http://www.ballistic-vacations.com</a><p>

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Hi Friend,<p>
Remember the three legs of the business tripod that are
needed for success?<p>
<font color=3D"#FF0000">1. Solid Company<p>
2. Solid Product<p>
3. System to spit out BUYING CUSTOMERS to you.</font><p>
Well, I can`t even tell you how many sales I made 
in the last week! Don't miss out anymore!<p>
<font color=3D"#FF0000">YOUR SHIP HAS COME IN!!!</font><p>
Please call me directly at:<p>
I'll give you the exact same system I am using. It was
designed, and is continually being updated by professional
direct sales marketers making thousands of dollars per
month. Believe me, it works!<P>
I will also 3-way you in to talk to others who are making 
$3,000-$5,000 with only a part time effort. (FACT!!!)<p>
<font color=3D"#FF0000">Please call me now, don't put it off. Say those two simple<br>
words, "I"M IN"!</font><p>
Dennis Deskin<p>
TEL: 601-664-2440<p>
Toll Free: 1-877-515-1434<br>
<a href=3D"mailto:"><a href=3D"mailto:ballistic@ayrix.net">ballistic@ayrix.net</a></a><p>
<a href=3D"http://ct.par32.com/?id=3D1C11EAG73307"><a href=3D"http://ct.par32.com/?id=3D1C11EAG73308" target=3D"_blank">http://www.ballistic-vacations.com</a></a><p>
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